Hand to the Plow

Learning to drive wasn’t an option growing up on Long Island - it was a necessity as far as I was concerned.  Public transportation wasn’t readily available, and everywhere I wanted to go was too far to walk. I couldn’t wait to get my license. My dad was willing to teach me, but he made it clear that it would require a real commitment on my part. He expected me to take it seriously and to put in the time… rain or shine. Once we got started, we were going to see it through to the end. No turning back.

Commitment… a rare quality in today’s world. Everyone has a hesitation, a stipulation, a condition.  “I’ll follow you anywhere, but just let me first…” Even among those who wanted to follow Jesus, He often found them trying to bargain with Him for a better time or more favorable circumstances in which to make the break.  Some people must first buy the house or get their 401K in place before they “leave all to follow Jesus.” But Jesus couldn’t guarantee that all their natural comforts would be secured. “The Son of Man hath no place to lay His head” - you might not either.

 Others wanted more time to fulfil their lesser earthly obligations. Although a noble aspiration, some responsibilities can be turned over to others who are equally as capable as yourself. “Let the dead bury their own dead but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.” God’s call is urgent, demanding, and a lot of hard work. It requires burning bridges and not looking back. Considering everyone’s feelings and opinions only weighs us down and holds us back. Following Jesus is not up for discussion. (Luke 9:57-62)

“No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Once behind the wheel, you need to aim your sites high.  Look far up the road and keep your eyes on the goal. You can’t drive straight if you’re preoccupied with what is immediately in front of you. Many a crooked furrow has been plowed by a distracted farmer. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He alone must be your goal.

Looking back can be dangerous… just ask Lot’s wife. We must value God’s call above anything and everything this world has to offer. Dreams of the past must give way to brighter visions. Past regrets must be put under the blood and left with God. Jesus Himself must be our highest prize, His approval our eternal reward.

Like driving, we can’t always wait for ideal conditions before setting out on our journey.   Life can be tough. Obstacles often get in the way. Jesus is looking for laborers who have the courage to weather the storms without complaining… who know it will be worth it all when we see Jesus.
Fruit doesn’t grow overnight.  Farming requires patience.  We must have faith in the seed and in the One who sends the sunshine and the rain. After all, He is Lord of the Harvest.

Keep your eyes on the prize and plow straight ahead. You’ll only get as much out of it as you’re willing to put in. Wholehearted commitment to Christ and His cause will not only bring about a fruitful life and harvest, but it will take you places you never dreamed you could ever go.

Prayer: Jesus, help me to stay the course. I don’t have what it takes, but You do, and I reach out for more of Your Holy Spirit today to strengthen me for the task before me.